Three Challenges to Improve Your Climb!

What’s going on guys, welcome back to the blog. If you’ve been following along, we just finished a series on the first chapter of Genesis. It was definitely more theological in nature than what we’re used to!

Recently, I’ve been going from a rough season of life that transitioned to a building season of life. It made me really pause and think about the basics of building again. Three really helpful resources that have worked wonders for me is what I want to share with you in this post: A good morning routine, a good plan in place, and a good support system.

For those of you new to the blog, I want you to improve your life when you find your climb.

What climb? It’s an analogy from rock climbing that you need to do hard things. Obviously, you should not just focus on doing difficult things just because they’re arduous, you need focus.

The book of Proverbs in the Bible is all about self-improvement by focusing on four key areas in your life!

So this is a series all about focusing one of these four areas. God wants you to pursue these four things through humility.

Improve your life when you find your climb and focus on four areas of your life: God | Wealth | Honor | Life –all by being humble.

Proverbs 22:4–the Reward for Humility is the Fear of Yahweh, Wealth, Honor and Life.

My Morning Routine

Applying Kamil Ravikant’s method and mantras

Waking up, the first thing I do listen to an instrumental piece. It’s the same one I listen to every time. While the music is playing, the mantra I use is “I love myself”. Even if it’s not true, or you feel like you can’t honestly say that doesn’t matter. You’re training your subconscious to be reprogrammed, utilizing intrusive thoughts to actually improve your mental health.

Afterwards, following Kamil Ravikant’s example from his book, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depended On It, I go to the mirror and for five minutes on the timer, I repeat “I love you.” I went from struggling with self-loathing to feeling like I have worth, a space, and a voice.

David the Beast’s OG method: The Cold Shower

Afterwards, I take a cold shower. I set the setting as cold as I can and get under the rain head and take deep breaths. This has been absolutely pivotal! My mental toughness as increased, my emotional permanence is increasing, and I’ve learned to develop some resilience.

Andrew Huberman’s morning walk

Finally, taking Andrew Huberman’s advice, I go outside for 10 minutes and walk my dog, so I can get the fresh sunshine in my eyes. It balances the hormones, solidifies the circadian rhythm, and overall makes me a lot happier. I highly recommend listening to his podcasts as well from Huberman Labs, he’s an absolutely incredible resource!

Also following Huberman’s advice, I don’t drink coffee until about 2 hours after I wake up. Then eat a Factor Meal for the morning for some protein. Those boxes are amazing! They’re never frozen, always fresh, and I can stick them in the microwave for 2 minutes, and I’m good. I take Zinc, Magnesium, D3, Vitamin C, Elderberry, and Fish Oil.

David the Beast’s app and workout!

From there, I hit the weights and follow David De Las Morenas’ Beastly app. That app has all the essentials that one could want and need from a good workout. It’s unbelievable. It tracks calories if you want that. It can formulate a routine that is super easy to follow.

Now I have to say! I HATE having to input the data of what lift, how many reps and all that. This app makes the process painless and easy and has a timer on it so you can rest between lifts.

My Plan

I start off with an Excel spreadsheet to plan out I want to spend 168 hours. This is a good chance for me to go to the settings on my phone and see where my screen time has gone.

The 168 Hours Exercise

From there, I make decisions of getting rid of something that is a vice, or causing comfort and replacing it with something productive.

So If I noticed I didn’t get at least 56 hours of sleep that week, then why is that? Eliminate what is hindering your sleep! Sleep is a top-tier priority!

Okay, I’ve got 112 hours left, where is all that time going? So I look and see if I’m spending at least 50 hours at work, and 10 hours at the certificate I’m working towards, Which is a total of 70 hours.

Now I have 42 hours left, how are those hours being utilized? What did I do to improve everything by 1%?


How can I leverage my highest earning skill to produce higher value and higher quality products? How can leverage that skill to increase my earning power? What is a SMART goal for 1 month? 5 Months?

Smart stands for: Specific | Measurable | Attainable | Reasonable | Time-Bound

So if when you’re evaluating your plans, really write each step and answer the whys and hows of each stage.

So you have a specific plan, why did you choose that step? How are you going to implement it? When are you going to implement it?

You choose a measurable goal, okay, what are your metrics? How will you know you’ve achieved it?

Support System

Lastly and certainly not least, have a support system.


Prioritize your family. When my family found out I wasn’t going to be having Thanksgiving with anyone, they all drove down six hours later and threw a weekend feast! We put up the Christmas tree, and it had a delightful time, I’ll never forget it. Be intentional calling and texting your family if they live in the city or out of the city. Time is short so be intentional with your time.


Be really careful about who you choose to let in your life. You should be on your mission, working to level up your emotional resilience, your love life, your body in the gym, and your finances and earning power. With that, why would you want to surround yourself with people that are going to hold you back or do not have the same mission? That is some weak inertia in your life, that you do not need. Find someone that is going to stick closer than a brother, that is going the same direction as you and build each other up.


I want to end on this point. A new series is coming and is in the works about finding someone to run with in your life. Finding someone that you cherish in this day’s dating market. The ins and outs of it all. This one is so profound, that I need to end with saying, it’s coming soon!

If you found this post helpful, I highly encourage you to read this article on Proverbs 17:3, “The crucible is for silver, the furnace is for gold, and Yahweh tests the hearts!“.Yahweh tests the hearts! ( In the maw of the fight, will you make it?

Be sure to stay tuned because, I write two new posts every Sunday and Wednesday and definitely want to check them out! Till then, Let’s get it!